Sunday, March 18, 2007

New Electric Service (kind of)

We managed to get our electrician out on Thursday and Friday to start work on our new electric service. When we moved in, the house had 100 amp service and a completely full panel. Actually worse than full, as there were two double-tapped breakers in the panel. So getting the electric service was on the short list of things that needed to be done and we've managed to get a start on that. The electrician managed to get the new panel installed and all of the circuits switched over to the new panel as well as added a few new circuits for some of the more aggregious add-on circuits.

He'll be returning Monday or tuesday to do some work in the laundry room (adjacent to the currently being remodeled bathroom) to move a switch and add some new outlets. We want to get that work done before I get to work on fixing up the walls in there so we can paint. The walls in that room are in pretty rough shape, so there's a fair amount of work ahead of me there. On the bathroom, I managed to get decorative tile around the shower installed, grouted, sealed and caulked.

More exciting than that, I started working on my first hook up for low voltage wiring!! Skawood would be so proud. I ended up running out of time and didn't get do to much but I managed to get the hole in the right place for the most important rooms (living room and sewing room/wireless room). It was mildly interesting as walls don't ever match up from floor to floor in this house, so there was a lot more thinking than drilling!

Oh yeah, and we have a very lazy puppy:
So lazy.
