Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bathroom Ponderings

We've started trying to figure out what to do about our green-carpeted bathroom abomination but have been struggling to fit everything in. The big problem is the sloped ceiling, as this room is tucked up into the roof in one corner of the house. I drew up the room in Sketchup, an export of the current layout is below. You can see the slope in the wall next to the window, at it's lowest point it's about 36" off of the floor, so there's a lot of un-useable space over there. The shower is a fiberglass corner install (next to the toilet), and is really too small. The counter (despite it's massive 5' length) only has one sink, and only about 24" of useable space before the ceiling get's under 6'.
Below is about the only thing I've come up with that I don't hate too much. It's surprisingly similar to the current layout, maybe there's only so many ways to lay things out in this space.

Somehow, we'll drag the whirlpool hottub out of there, and build a knee (shoulder?) wall at about the 6'6" height and put a double vanity against that. There's just enough room for a 22" vanity to fit between the wall and the window. The toilet stayes roughly where it is, it'll get pushed over an inch or two to ensure that we've got 48" for the shower. We had hoped to get one of these for a shower, but it seems like it will work less well up against the toilet. Instead, we'll build that as a solid wall and build a custom tile enclosure. We'll put a sitting tub next-ish to the vanity. I could only find a model for a 6' tub, and we'll be using a maximum 5' tub, so there will be much more space then it actually looks like. I'll move the knee-wall in as far as possible to allow the tub to be in there and put builtins into the knee wall.

I dunno, maybe this works. I'm not totally sold and keep waiting for an epiphany.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Anybody Want a Cat

This is Kitten's foot prints in fresh wet polyurethane. Any normal cat would have taken a couple of steps and gone "Ick!" and turned around. Kitten on the other hand, slip-slided her way all the way across the floor, right through the middle of the floor.
We forgot to mention the house's former residents stopped by a few weeks ago. He got into the house when we were closing up the chimney chase. He (or she, I suppose) probably crawled into the chimney from the top and we disturbed him with the heat. He came busting out into the family room and then moved on to orbiting the dining room for ten minutes until we succesfully created a multi-blanket screen to direct him out the front door.
Hopefully, he found a new warm place to hole up. We need all the healthy bats we can get here in New York.