Daffodils in the yard...
Crocus and daffodils in the backyard.
We were finally able to take the hay off of the garden. We had planted some oats and white clover to act as "green manure" in our garden. Of course two days after we planted it, the weather took a turn for the worse and we had to get some hay to protect our seedlings! After what felt like a prolonged April cold snap, we were finally able to take the hay off. As you can see below, our oats and clover are diong fine. A few more weeks and should be able to turn it all back into the garden.
oats and clover are "green manure" in the garden
It was earth day this Sunday so to celebrate, we planted a tree. But not just any tree...we planted Bob2. Bob2 is a birch that we got at the University of Delaware Agricultural School AgDay Festival several years ago. So far, Bob2 has moved from DE to NC (twice in NC) and now back up to NY. He has always lived in a pot, until now...he now makes his home in our back
yard! Doesn't he look fabulous?
Bob2...in his new home!
Even our animals enjoyed the spring weather...Samuel curled up in the window and kept his eye on the birds and squirrels, well when he wasn't sleeping that is. Max enjoyed some time running in the hose and "helping" Nate dig the hole in the yard for Bob2, followed by some napping on the deck.
Samuel sleeping in the window.
Max goofing off on the deck.