Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Max Herding

As promised movies of Max running around like a fool after sheep. This was at the farm where we got Sweep, they are very nice people and seem to be willing to indulge Julie's whims.

Max is fast when he wants to be!


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Porch Goodness

Our porch languished over the winter in a structurally sound, but unattractively partially finished state. It was a little depressing to pull in the driveway everyday to see the exposed 2x10 headers and 4x4 posts.
This was a welcome sight last December after the great header replacement operation, but those bare posts got old over the winter. I had started working on the railing last December, but winter got the best of me. I was out there futzing with the railing in blowing 15 degree weather when I said the hell with it. Now that the weather has warmed up (I think it broke 70 yesterday!), it was time to get back to work. I finished installing the railing about a week ago, I'm particularly proud of how the stair railing came out. I think most people will think we're crazy for doing the railing the way we did it, but I think it looks wicked sharp.

This past weekend, I tackled boxing the headers. I got S4S 1x10 hemlock from a local mill, and got everything laid out in the driveway to prime and paint everything. Two coats of exterior primer, one coat of paint on the the ground and one more once everything was up. I ended making good use of the flush trimming bit in my router in order to trim the ends to make everything relatively neat. It looks like a different porch once the boards were up, but it does accentuate the busted up drip edge trim and the pieces of aluminum trim. I won't burden you with my ranting about aluminum trim, but it sucks. It's ugly, it doesn't work, and it generally sucks.
The first blooms have opened, our star magnolia opened up late last week. I thought we might have lost the blooms, as we had 20 degree night last week when the blooms were about to open. I was worried the blooms might have frozen, but it proved hardier than that. Apparently there is a reason that tree does so well here, it does not appear to be impressed by the cold weather.

We did a fair amount of moving tulips around as well, but we've got a couple more weeks before they'll open though we think we'll probably have fewer blooms than usual. A lot of the transplanted bulbs don't look like they'll bloom this year, but that's OK.

To completely change gears, Max had a herding lesson today! Amazingly, he didn't suck! We have some movies of him tearing around chasing sheep, I'll figure out where to post those. We'll probably stick them on YouTube or something, they're pretty funny!
We took him to Fetch Gate Farms, which is where Sweep came from. Generally speaking, Border Collies of unknown breeding and who aren't introduced to sheep at a young age are hopeless. Amazingly, Max actually appears to have the instinct. He was interested in the sheep and understood what we was supposed to do. He was a little spazzy, but everyone was amazed at him. Poor Sweep on the other hand was hopeless. He didn't know where the sheep were, and couldn't really do much. He was really glad to see his former owners though, which was cool. As many people know, he doesn't really dig strangers, so we were glad he remembered his previous owners.