Monday, January 26, 2009

Green is the new blue...or pink

Well, as most of you know, Nate and I are having a baby! I'm due in July - I'm ~ 16 weeks along - we don't know if we're having a boy or a girl yet, but we should know in a couple weeks at my next appointment. Things have been going smoothly for the most part - I've had some morning sickness but nothing that I couldn't recover from (I'm something of an expert of the boot-and-rally!). I'm glad I'm past the part where I fall asleep at 9:00 pm, and I'm getting used to sleeping on my side - even though it makes my ear hurt.
We're trying to be "green" about this because let's face it - a new person is a pretty big carbon producer. So, while we don't expect anyone to get us anything, if you do want to get us stuff, we're proposing mostly gently used or handmade items. There's lots of great stuff on your local craigslist, consignment shops,, Goodwill, and this spring - at yard sales. This way, your money goes to local people, there's much less packaging waste, and let's face it - the world probably doesn't need more plastic stuff from China. It saves money too! And don't forget - we don't need fancy wrapping - that all winds up in a landfill somewhere too!
So while we realize this is more difficult than just registering for stuff, we think with a little cooperation and communication it can work and be fun. Take your time, the baby isn't due until July which gives everyone lots of time to peruse the local "recycling" scene. If you look to your right, there's 3 lists - used stuff, used crib info (because cribs are one of the most recalled baby items you can get new or used), and new stuff. If you get something, just add a comment to this post (look at the end of this post for the add comment button) and we'll check it and cross it off for you! For a list of recalled items you can visit the U.S. Consumer Safety Commission at or

Baby Its cold outside

Well, this morning on my way to work it was -5 F, I had an apple in the back seat and it froze into mush by the time I made it to work! At least we're supposed to get some snow this week! Which is exciting. Since I haven't been able to run lately, the dogs have had to settle with playing ball with Nate and I in the backyard. When its really cold, Max doesn't like to have his paws touch the snow too much, so he tries to pick up his feet, it doesn't work so well, but its pretty funny!

But Max seems to recover, I don't think they're suffering too badly.

Maybe playing catch doesn't make the dogs tired, but I seem to be tired! And in my unguarded state, Nate is able to take pictures of me drooling on the couch!