Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Julie Rules

Julie ran the Rochester Half Marathon (and has the 13.1 sticker to prove it) two weekends ago and did awesome. Here she is, flying for the finish line!

I ran two, but look much less stylish. It was hot and gross from hurricane leftovers that day, but we survived anyways.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fall is in the air

How depressing, the last time we posted we were talking about how spring had finally broken and now fall has already arrived! Nonetheless, fall is here, whether we like it or not. Luckily, I love it! The air is cooling off, which only makes our new hot tub sound like all that much better of an idea! We rebuilt our deck this year and built a hot tub into the deck. Below is a picture of the hot tub right after I hooked it up and got the deck framing done. We had a bit of a fiasco getting the cedar decking delivered, so we had to walk very carefully on the temporary boards I nailed to the framing.

It looks pretty cool at night too!
Here you can see the decking down and working on the railing. I used the Tiger-Claw hidden fasteners to put the decking down, and the surface came out nice and smooth. Unfortunately, it took a long time and a ton of effort to put down. Luckily, the hot tub was fully operational then, so I took full advantage of it. Here's some pictures of the railing.
The posts are 2x4's mounted on end to the rim joists with carriage bolts. I painted the 2x4's to make them stand out a bit and then made the rest of the railing out of cedar. There are three horizontal rails, at the top and and bottom are 3" rails and then a smaller 1 1/2" rail at the very bottom. The ballisters are 1x3" cedar glued and screwed to the rails. You can see on the left of the picture the alternate style of ballisters I used. On the corners and under the privacy screens on the end of the deck I alternated the 1x3" with 1x6 boards laid flat on the rails. All in all, it came out great. I spent pretty much the whole 4th of July weekend doing it, but we're really happy with how it looks. It's pretty much the coolest railing in town. The curved railing over the pond was a challenge.

You can never have enough clamps!

We had company a couple of weekends ago and the whole gang sat in the living room and watched Brady go down for the season. You'll notice nobody (except Max) looks happy in this picture!

Despite having to rebuild the porch this fall (I know), I foolishly started on another bedroom upstairs. I took advantage of Julies Dad being around to get started in there. He helped pull off all the trim, pull up the flooring, and cut the bottom of the wallboard off. I'm going to put up composite paneling (similar to flat paneling), it's basically a way to make pseudo-raised paneling that allows you to use dimensionally stable veneered plywood for most of the parts. Vastly less manufacturing and no worries about wood movement. We'll see. I had to rewire most of the room once I got a look at the wiring, which let me get ready to mount the boxes horizontally, where I can put them in the baseboard, so they won't interfere with the panel placement. You can also see the cool wallpaper I put up in there this week. It's textured and fabulous!
Julie also made a seat cushion and curtains for the window seat in the purple room. They came out amazingly, even if the huge piping on the seat cushion about broke her sewing machine.
