Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Holiday Time!
Christmas has already come and gone, and we are in that delightful time between Christmas and the New Year. Our Christmas was quiet this year, as we did all of our traveling during Thanksgiving. It is very cold here today with wind chills down to -1 F. Here's a picture of our beautiful tree (with Max).
Fionna's first tooth is visible today (bottom left-central incisor). Fionna enjoyed her very first Christmas - she got lots of gifts from generous friends and relatives. She loves holding books and at least looking at the pictures.
Nate and I have had some time off so we have been tackling little projects around the house and finishing those unfinished projects. For Christmas, Nate made me a spice-rack addition to the pantry. This is great because for those of you who have been to my house and tried unsuccessfully to find spices - worry no more! My spices are now visible and alphabetized - from allspice to vanilla extract! He also made me some cabinets dividers to organize my cookie sheets, cutting boards, trays, etc. Now, my kitchen is more organized which makes me more happy!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I painted everything with porch paint so it would look brighter and clean up more easily. Nate also built me a great canned-goods shelf which holds a lot of stuff. We covered all the exposed insulation with more pegboard. You'll also notice the awesome veggie bins on the bottom shelf - those were just two cheap plastic bins that we cut the front of and then melted the plastic a bit so it wouldn't be sharp. Now I can just reach in and grab a beet or two! Now we have room for things like the dehydrator and I have plenty of room for my winter CSA veggies and lots of cans of salsa and apple sauce. I even have room for paper goods and cleaning supplies. It looks so much cleaner and more organized down there now, its great.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Fionna and the Mobile
Fionna is 2 months olds now, its hard to believe. She's really starting to notice things now. And she smiles and laughs. She seems to be a mostly happy baby. She likes to listen to the "Coffee House" channel on XM which is this acoustic/folk music channel. She sleeps for ~ 6 hours a night before waking up and wanting to be fed - which is great. She is a great sleeper, at least right now. She really likes sleeping in her "doughnut" which is what we call this breast-feeding pillow thing. She digs it!
Over labor day weekend, we took Fionna and the dogs up to Lake Placid. Fionna did really well traveling. She still slept and ate well and we were able to take her on a gondola ride up Whiteface! Her first mountain!
Last week, Nate bought her a mobile for above her crib - she really seems to like it. I took a video - check it out!
Friday, August 7, 2009
More Fionna
Well, its just Fionna and me today. Nate is at work and the parents have left (thanks for all the help!). I'm hoping for a relaxing day, maybe I'll be able to take a nap or get outside for a little while and play with the dogs. It looks like it will be a beautiful day. I thought I'd post a few more pictures from last week - our little girl is just so cute. She's sleeping right now, so I'm actually able to sit down at the computer for a little while!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Fionna Aline Woody
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Stawberries Galore
The peas are also coming along, I planted sugar snap and shelling type peas. I figured that I'd be able to store the shelled peas to make baby food this winter. That's the plan anyway. The onions and lettuce are doing great, not surprising given the amount of rain and cooler weather we've been having. Even still, the tomatoes are getting tall and I even have some cherry tomatoes set on as well as some "New Girls" - the earliest of the new hybrids. The corn is starting to come up and even my green beans have begun. The only casualty so far is the green peppers - the one's I started from seed were eaten by slugs! Oh well, I bought some green bells from Lowe's and we'll see if they survive.
Nate put landscape fabric down in the planting area and boards to mark off the walking area. It has been working out really well. No weeding!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Bat in a Box
I took some time to play with my new pond last weekend and it's fully functional now. We migrated all of the fish into the new pond and I got rocks around about half of the pond. The skimmer, filter, and waterfall weir are all working, if not completely hidden. The fish seem happy and it's really nice to be able to sit on the lower deck and look out at the fish!
Progress is slow on the hallway, It's still all hand nailed, and I've got two more entrances taken care of. I've gotten the first diamond in, and two of the miter corners are all set. So all of the components are in, at long last.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Summer Weather
Before I talk about anything else, I should mention that we do continually to actual finish things! I've been working on the faceframes to the built-in closets that I made late this winter. I found a new mill to get wood from and they had a bunch of butternet, which is different and quite pretty. It cost me 3.00$/bdft for 4/4 stuff, all S4S and ready to go, so it ended up running me about 80$ for all the lumber for both frames. I put a picture of the raw cabinets and then finished up. I used danish oil to finish the frames and polyurethaned the plywood carcasses.
In more foolish news, I give you this:
I tore up our hallway over memorial day weekend. Every year, the hallway has gotten lumpier and lumpier with certain humps coming up in the summer and others coming up in the winter. On top of that we had nasty stained cathair-attracting carpet, and so I decided it was about my last chance to go ahead an pull it before the baby arrives. Putting down new subfloor and sistering joists is dirty, dusty, noisy work and I really don't want the baby breathing the nasty fine dust that comes out of opening walls in this house. Let alone, ALL of the bedrooms are accessed through the hall, so it can't stay out of commission, so it was a long painful one day job. I tore out the carpet and old subfloor, sistered the joists (primarily to reset level-ness) and dropped new subfloor. I came up one sheet of subfloor short and ended up finishing at about 6:30 in the evening without getting flooring down on the extension that hangs over the stairs. You can see the sistered up joists in the picture below, same nonsense as always. The only difference was that I had joists from the baby's room coming in on one side of the joists already, so I didn't have any choice about where to put the sisters. The goal here was just re-setting level in the floor, no so much strengthenin things.
I've only started putting down flooring here, the final floor will be a mix quarter sawn white oak and black walnut (all 2-1/4), but I've just started setting the edges and getting the junctions with other rooms flooring lined up. The goal is to get a seamless transition from the hallway into the rooms. The hallway has 7 entrances in it (4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 closet, and the stairway), so I'll need to be patient getting going. I've got the stairway and baby room threshold worked out and it looks pretty good. Many more to go, unfortunately.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Schluter, Pebbles, and Shower Panel
Here you can see the shower room after I coated everything. The membrane (called Kerdi) is about the weight of tar paper, with one side covered with a fleecy material. You just spread thin-set (unmodified) onto the wall (backerboard or fiberglass-faced drywall like DenseArmor) and bed the fleece side into the mortar. Then you basically treat it like wallpaper and use a large trowel to squeeze any excess mortar out from behind the sheet and get any air bubbles out. You overlap all of your edges by at least 2" and they provide you with pre-made corners, so you don't have to figure out how to cut things that fit into the corner. I can never cut the squares in the right way to flash corners, so those were very nice. It only took me about a day to figure out what to do and do the whole shower, so I'm really pleased with the Schluter stuff. Since we didn't install a steam generator, I didn't have to kerdi the ceiling, but I wanted to show off our shower light.
I have always wanted to use the pebble tile and the 12 sqft of our shower room is about the only place I can afford to use them, so I went for them. Installing them is fairly easy, grouting them is hell. Ignore any recommendation about grout coverage guidance and buy the biggest bag of grout you can, you'll need all of it. You'll also need about 10 sponges and as many buckets filled with water as you can find. Then prepare yourself for a mess.
I've heard of advice to use your hands to put the grout in, but I think those people are crazy, that sounds even messier. What worked for me was cleaning as best I could with the float and then letting the grout dry longer than you normally do. I think the quantity of the grout makes it dry slower, so I had to let it set for 45 minutes or so before I could start working it down to where I wanted it. It was firm enough I had to scrub a little bit in order remove grout, but that made it relatively easy to get to the exposure that I wanted. I'm pretty pleased with the outcome. Before you grout, you'll want to seal the pebble so that the grout comes off a bit easier, I used the Dupont Stonetech Sealer, Enhancer, and cleaner. The seem to be really good products, pricey, but good. The difference between this sealer and the spray-on sealers is night and day. Water beads on the grout in the shower, and no water condenses on the grout on the walls, it's pretty impressive. I also used strips of the pebble tile for an accent strip (about 4" wide) about halfway up the shower wall and a strip of little 1" tile just below the ceiling. We used a faux-travertine tile for the walls, as we wanted something low maintenance in there.
Here is the little cubby I built in. It's a bit.... cramped. I made the hole the size I wanted, then I boxed it in (-1"), then I membraned (-1/2") and tiled (-1"). So now it's a little small, but it still works to hold razors and normal size shampoo bottles. We'll have to add an aftermarket shelf to augment the storage (http://www.raficreations.com/existing_tile_installation.html).
Lastly, here's a picture of our showerpanel. It's red and fantastic (if painful to install). A word of warning, these things mount REALLY close to the wall, so cut your stub outs and install threaded (male) adaptors that just barely come out of the wall before you membrane or tile anything. I didn't do that and had a hell of a time getting things to fit.
It was a lot more work than a steam shower (which requires plugging in), but it came our really nice. We'll install a frameless glass door at somepoint, they're expensive and the shower curtain works fine for right now. But otherwise, it's ready to go and a pleasure to use.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Max Herding
Max is fast when he wants to be!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Porch Goodness
This was a welcome sight last December after the great header replacement operation, but those bare posts got old over the winter. I had started working on the railing last December, but winter got the best of me. I was out there futzing with the railing in blowing 15 degree weather when I said the hell with it. Now that the weather has warmed up (I think it broke 70 yesterday!), it was time to get back to work. I finished installing the railing about a week ago, I'm particularly proud of how the stair railing came out. I think most people will think we're crazy for doing the railing the way we did it, but I think it looks wicked sharp.
This past weekend, I tackled boxing the headers. I got S4S 1x10 hemlock from a local mill, and got everything laid out in the driveway to prime and paint everything. Two coats of exterior primer, one coat of paint on the the ground and one more once everything was up. I ended making good use of the flush trimming bit in my router in order to trim the ends to make everything relatively neat. It looks like a different porch once the boards were up, but it does accentuate the busted up drip edge trim and the pieces of aluminum trim. I won't burden you with my ranting about aluminum trim, but it sucks. It's ugly, it doesn't work, and it generally sucks.
The first blooms have opened, our star magnolia opened up late last week. I thought we might have lost the blooms, as we had 20 degree night last week when the blooms were about to open. I was worried the blooms might have frozen, but it proved hardier than that. Apparently there is a reason that tree does so well here, it does not appear to be impressed by the cold weather.
We did a fair amount of moving tulips around as well, but we've got a couple more weeks before they'll open though we think we'll probably have fewer blooms than usual. A lot of the transplanted bulbs don't look like they'll bloom this year, but that's OK.
To completely change gears, Max had a herding lesson today! Amazingly, he didn't suck! We have some movies of him tearing around chasing sheep, I'll figure out where to post those. We'll probably stick them on YouTube or something, they're pretty funny!
We took him to Fetch Gate Farms, which is where Sweep came from. Generally speaking, Border Collies of unknown breeding and who aren't introduced to sheep at a young age are hopeless. Amazingly, Max actually appears to have the instinct. He was interested in the sheep and understood what we was supposed to do. He was a little spazzy, but everyone was amazed at him. Poor Sweep on the other hand was hopeless. He didn't know where the sheep were, and couldn't really do much. He was really glad to see his former owners though, which was cool. As many people know, he doesn't really dig strangers, so we were glad he remembered his previous owners.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Our Bedroom
Here are some before pictures of our lovely room. We had green plush carpet that ran into the bathroom. We had a small closet in one corner and a pseudo-closet (left picture) that was built into the rafters. It wasn't particular useful, it was deep with no headroom, and kind of trashy. The room was also very dark, partially because of the thick drapes we had never gotten rid of, partially because of no overhead lights, and partially because of the dark carpet. So in our plan we wanted to fix the floor (it was sloopy and creaky underneath that awesome carpet), get rid of the lovely floral wallpaper, add closet space, add a ceiling fan, and improve the lighting. So we set out to reinforce and flatten the floor, put down new hardwood flooring, remove the wallpaper, add a overhead light/fan, and increase the outlets so that we could place more lights around the room.
Reinforcing the floor was pretty much the same trick as in other rooms, except here I was able to use 2x glued and nailed to the exisiting joists. The picture below on the right shows the first reconstruction. This was a new floor that was built as a second level expansion in the mid 80's on top of what was an original closed-in porch. The porch was converted to interior space at the same time. It means that the framing in this area is some what chaotic. Load-bearing walls aren't always where they should be, and things are a bit strange. The beam running parallel to the window runs through the center of the room and marks the original exterior wall. There is a faux beam in the donstairs underneath this. Most of this section was in fairly good shape, but the connections to the now exterior wall were feeble, and some of the connections to the beam weren't right. On the far right of the picture are new joists that extend and are tied directly into the joists on the other side of that beam. Before, there wasn't much holding the ends of those up.
The picture on the right shows the other problem I came across while tearing things up. All of our windows have crappily applied aluminum trim and water has been leaking through. Things weren't too bad once I got everything out. The wood was still in good shape, the drywall and insulation was gross. I replaced two of the moldier cripple studs, scrubbed everything down with bleach and caulked outside. This spring, I'll need to remove all of the aluminum trim and fix the actual problem outside. I did the floor in halves, so I left the flooring on one side, while I replaced the half by the window, then put down new OSB subfloor, and replaced on the other side. The old subfloor was (as expected) an amalgam of sorts. There was a layer of 1/4" underlayment over everything, then below that, half the floor had plywood, while the other half was the original T&G with floral linoleum on top.
The wallpaper didn't come off well, so I ended up replacing more drywall than I had intended. The ceiling is only about 7'6 in this room, so there was barely room for the ceiling fan. We decided to move the bed and placed the ceiling fan centered over where the bed would be. With the bed in place it looks fine, but it may be trouble f we ever want to move the bed. The bottom of the light is only about 6'6", so it's tight. The ceiling is low due to a mildly botched insulation job, I would have only gained 4-5" inches in trying to fix it, and it didn't seem worth it. So I left it alone. We'll just have to deal with a low-ish ceiling.
I decided to do built-in closets that would sit in the room. I glued and screwed 1/4" maple plywood to the wall behind where the closet will go and then built modular carcasses out of maple and stacked things up. As usual, I built things a little large, I made the boxes 27" deep, which is about 6" too deep. Foolishly, I took the depth of a reach-in close and used that as my dimension, but that doesn't make as much sense for cabinets at waist level. So there's going to be an awful lot of wasted space in the cabinets that are a full 27" deep and above waist height.
The cabinet that has a bottle of glue in it, is the poster child for this closet. I ended up reducing the size of the cabinet in the middle of the main closet area in the picture above. That area of the closet is where the closet rod goes, so that cabinet will be a 18" deep and 18" wide, so there's more room for a bottom closet rod. Eventually (cough), I'll build cherry face frames for the carcasses. We put 6" cherry hardwood down in here, and used maple plywood for the cabinets. I'll either use cherry or maybe walnut, something dark to set off the light cabinet wood.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Green is the new blue...or pink
We're trying to be "green" about this because let's face it - a new person is a pretty big carbon producer. So, while we don't expect anyone to get us anything, if you do want to get us stuff, we're proposing mostly gently used or handmade items. There's lots of great stuff on your local craigslist, consignment shops, freecycle.com, Goodwill, and this spring - at yard sales. This way, your money goes to local people, there's much less packaging waste, and let's face it - the world probably doesn't need more plastic stuff from China. It saves money too! And don't forget - we don't need fancy wrapping - that all winds up in a landfill somewhere too!
So while we realize this is more difficult than just registering for stuff, we think with a little cooperation and communication it can work and be fun. Take your time, the baby isn't due until July which gives everyone lots of time to peruse the local "recycling" scene. If you look to your right, there's 3 lists - used stuff, used crib info (because cribs are one of the most recalled baby items you can get new or used), and new stuff. If you get something, just add a comment to this post (look at the end of this post for the add comment button) and we'll check it and cross it off for you! For a list of recalled items you can visit the U.S. Consumer Safety Commission at http://www.cpsc.gov or http://www.recalls.gov.
Baby Its cold outside
But Max seems to recover, I don't think they're suffering too badly.
Maybe playing catch doesn't make the dogs tired, but I seem to be tired! And in my unguarded state, Nate is able to take pictures of me drooling on the couch!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Bathroom Ponderings
Below is about the only thing I've come up with that I don't hate too much. It's surprisingly similar to the current layout, maybe there's only so many ways to lay things out in this space.
Somehow, we'll drag the whirlpool hottub out of there, and build a knee (shoulder?) wall at about the 6'6" height and put a double vanity against that. There's just enough room for a 22" vanity to fit between the wall and the window. The toilet stayes roughly where it is, it'll get pushed over an inch or two to ensure that we've got 48" for the shower. We had hoped to get one of these for a shower, but it seems like it will work less well up against the toilet. Instead, we'll build that as a solid wall and build a custom tile enclosure. We'll put a sitting tub next-ish to the vanity. I could only find a model for a 6' tub, and we'll be using a maximum 5' tub, so there will be much more space then it actually looks like. I'll move the knee-wall in as far as possible to allow the tub to be in there and put builtins into the knee wall.
I dunno, maybe this works. I'm not totally sold and keep waiting for an epiphany.